Jeffy Plays Basketball!

From Best SML Videos WIki
Jeffy Plays Basketball!
One of the episodes where Jeffy was tolerable.
Channel: SML
Episode Number: 625
Air Date: July 21, 2021
Previous episode: Brooklyn Guy's New Wife
Next episode: Thank Ken?

"Jeffy Plays Basketball!" is the 625th episode of SML Movies.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Jeffy is good at basketball!

Why It Rocks[edit | edit source]

  1. The plot is really creative.
  2. Logan and the crew actually snuck into a basketball stadium to make this.
  3. It was hilarious when the basketball player (Lovell) was choking Brooklyn Guy.
  4. The basketball players (the SML crew) were pretty good one-time antagonists.
  5. The idea of Jeffy's shoes making him get every shot was creative.
  6. It was a clever idea of Lovell stealing Jeffy's shoes, just so he won't hit the basketball shot.
  7. "Somebody ate them".
  8. Good Ending: Cody makes the shot, and wins $500,000 for the team (Jeffy, Junior, Joseph, and Cody).

The Only Bad Quality[edit | edit source]

  1. Mild toilet humor at the beginning where Jeffy wants to step in dog poop.

Comments[edit | edit source]

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